Surface treatment

Corrosion damages cost over 2 500 000 000 000$ — 2,5 trillion* dollars annually.
This amount of money makes up more than 3,4% of the world’s GDP.
Regular treatment and painting help protect your constructions from corrosion damage.

*2,5 trillion seconds = 79 222 years

What do we offer?

Rust removal and corrosion control

Cleaning surfaces from old paint and removing rust according to the required cleaning class (Sa 2, St 2,5). Cleaning using high pressure washers, pesticides, sandblasters, wet sandblasters and manual cleaning.

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Blasting is the technique of removing dust, coating, polishing of different surfaces. There are many types of blasting processes available. The most common way of blasting is called sand blasting. It uses small grains of garnet for removing coating or polishing a surface. It is composed with the stream of compressed air that helps in acceleration of the particles.



We do different painting jobs for different surfaces. Paint protects the surface and keeps it fresh longer. Before starting a painting job, the surface needs to be cleaned.

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Concrete repair

Concrete repair consists of pressure washing, filling crevices, plastering and adding protective coating. Pressure washing is a quick and environmentally friendly method to clean different surfaces. After that the surface needs to be prepared for protective coating. Protective coating means painting or impregnating the surface.


Contact Us!


Why choose us?

We serve over 300 customers a year

We are a growing company that serves over 300 customers a year.

The work is done by professionals and experienced technicians

Our employees own required international training standards (IRATA) that are necessary for working at height. In addition, our employees have specific training in their work-specific field.

We’ll find solutions to places that are difficult to access

We use ropes, lift trucks or extendable poles which gives us mobility. That way we are able to work in even the most difficult-to-access places.

Inexpensive and high-quality

Ordering a job without an intermediary will be cheaper and the quality of work is guaranteed.